Map basic data
Scale |
1:10000 |
Equidistance |
5.0m |
Sport |
Specification |
ISOM (foot-O)
Year |
Published by |
VSK ČVUT Fakulta Stavební Praha |
Filing number |
17S020O |
Blocking until |
2026 |
Blocking reason |
Map admin |
Publisher |
FSP - VSK ČVUT Fakulta Stavební Praha
Educational map |
ne |
Locality |
Praha - Suchdol |
Kraj |
Středočeský kraj |
Area size |
4.036 km2
Based on | (orto, 3D model Prahy), DMR |
Stav |
2017-06 |
Drawing technique |
Printed in |
Žaket |
Print technique |
Main race (title)
Veřejný závod (České akademické hry)
Main race (date) |
2017-06-21 |
Entry created by |
Milan Borovička |
Archive |
aaa0 |
ID/status |
9185 / archived |
Obrys mapy
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