Mapa byla schválena.
Basic map data
Scale |
1:10000 |
Equidistance |
5.0m |
Sport |
Specification |
ISOM (foot-O)
Year |
Published by |
OK Slavia Hradec Králové, z.s. |
Filing number |
23H004O |
Blocking until |
2032 |
Blocking reason |
Map admin |
Jan Netuka
Publisher |
SHK - OK Slavia Hradec Králové
Educational map |
ne |
Locality |
Nový Hradec Králové |
Kraj |
Královéhradecký kraj |
Area size |
3.778 km2
Based on |
DMR 5G, Ortofoto ČR, KM, mapy pro OB |
Stav |
únor 2023 |
Drawing technique |
OCAD 2018
Printed in |
Print technique |
Main race (title)
Zimní hradubická liga
Main race (date) |
2023-03-05 |
Entry created by |
Jan Netuka |
ID/status |
12558 / approved and closed |
Name |
Role |
Netuka Jan |
mapped, drew, main cartographer |
Obrys mapy
Map preview
Using the map without publisher's permission for organized events is copyright piracy. Please contact the map administrator listed in the Map Archive database and obtain maps in full quality for printing.